Are you ready to find out how you will work in the new world?


A Half-Day Immersion to Create the Conditions for Change + Impact in Your Business

We are living culture in a way where we are not only making “products” together but making meaning of our values and work.

Sage Crump



  • First, submit your application. I will review your application and respond to you within 72 business hours.

  • In my follow up email I will include a link to schedule a 30-minute introduction call.

  • After our introduction call and IF we both mutually decide that an Embodied Operations Experience will be valuable for you, we will move forward to booking. I will send you a link to the booking page which will include an orienting PDF document, payment link, and a link to schedule the immersion.


  • Energy of the Call: Playing with Possibility

    • Explore the intersections of your vision, values, and vocation

    • Investigate possibilities for shared enoughness across your creative endeavors

    • Investigate where somatic spaciousness already exists in your body and business and see how that spaciousness can support the less resourced parts of self and business

  • Energy of the Call: Incremental Impact

    • Evaluate priorities and create quarterly themes and monthly objectives for the year ahead

    • Identify the interdependent innovations needed (team expansion and/or shifting team roles) and the practical processes (SOPs, workflows, automations) needed

  • Energy of the Call: Recap and Refresh

    • Recap the day and discuss next steps

    • End our time together with a refreshing and grounding somatic practice


  • If you consent to recording our call(s) then I will send you the file within 10 days of the immersion.

  • Within 10 days of the immersion I will send you a personalized operations plan that will outline the upcoming year. Consider this your roadmap for how you can sustain the conditions for change and impact in your business.

    I create all roadmaps on Asana.

  • Informed by our immersion and by my experience in strategic planning, I will offer a final recommendation for how you can best operationalize your values and actualize your vision.

How to decide if an Embodied Operations Experience is for you…

  • You have multiple businesses/creative projects and need to sense for clarity in priorities and structure

  • Your main objective in this season is to better steward your resources (time, money, projects)*

  • You feel an openness and curiosity about the possibility of embodied expansion

  • You are interested in what it would look like to implement the Embodied Operations Framework in your business

  • You’ve spent significant time thinking critically about the values of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy (h/t bell hooks) and are rooted in practice and intention to divest from these values and instead participate in collective culture-shifting impact

  • You value collaborative partnerships and you are interested in expanding your capacity for trust, respect, and reciprocity even (especially) with something as personal as business and creative endeavors

*If your main objective in this season of your business is to GENERATE more sustainable revenue, then the Embodied Operations Experience might not be the most valuable for you. You might instead be interested in a strategy session or a product development discussion, which you can submit an inquiry about here.



On the day of the immersion we will block out 4 hours together (with plenty of breaks in the agenda). If possible, I encourage you to not schedule additional meetings or obligations after the immersion and instead use that time to rest and replenish. It will be needed after a half-day full of visioning and solution seeking!


I believe The Embodied Operations Experience is a beautiful, heart-expanding opportunity to notice and build upon incremental exchanges of trust—with each laugh, each pause, each question, and each response. So I humbly ask that you invest trust in this process—in yourself and your embodied knowing, and in me and my embodied knowing.


The financial investment for the Embodied Operations Experience is $1,700.

trust the people (a spell)

trust the people who move toward you and already feel like home.

trust the people to let you rest.

trust the people to do everything better than you could have imagined.

trust the people and they become trustworthy.

trust that the people are doing their work to trust themselves.

trust that each breach of trust can deepen trust or clarify boundaries.

trust the people who revel in pleasure after hard work.

trust the people who let children teach/remind us how to emote, be still, and laugh.

trust the people who see and hold your heart.

trust the people who listen to the whales.

trust the people and you will become trustworthy.

trust the people and show them your love.

trust the people.

- adrienne maree brown, Holding Change: The Way of Emergent Strategy Facilitation and Mediation

Meet the Facilitator of the Embodied Operations Experience

Renee Barreto (she/her) is an Embodied Operations Strategist, learner, and care conjurer. She is the Founder and Creator of the Embodied Operations Framework and the Learn the Loving Way Initiative—her humble contributions to how we work and learn in the new world.

Though Renee’s vocational journey has spanned across many industries ranging from Non-Profit to Oil & Gas (I know, right?), her through-line has been operational capacity building, integration, and re-imagination.

As the facilitator of the Embodied Operations Experience Renee’s role is quite simple: she wants to invite you towards your own vision of possibility, to your own rigor, and to participate in change and impact in the ways that honor your mind-body-spirit.

You can count on her to be a gentle reflector, a thorough investigator, and a collaborative partner to help you operationalize your values and actualize your vision.